The Solution

We embarked on a journey to redefine and reposition Tansoo Inc. within their industry, emphasizing their strengths in comparison to their competitors. Our innovative approach led to the creation of a game-changing app integration, significantly reducing the necessity for physical on-location presence during product launches. Consequently, this enhancement granted Tansoo Inc. greater control over Planogram installation for Point of Sale (POS) displays.

What Makes Tansoo Unique Now

Tansoo's distinctive edge lies in the fusion of extensive international marketing and business acumen, underpinned by an unwavering commitment to delivering excellence in customer service. This unwavering dedication has solidified Tansoo's reputation as a forward-thinking, dynamic, and dependable firm.

Their unique approach to building relationships involves maintaining an ongoing dialogue with our customers, going the extra mile to visit them at their workplaces, wherever they may be. This hands-on approach enables them to truly comprehend their customers' expectations and empowers them to provide them with the most promising growth opportunities.

Tansoo possesses the capability to represent companies of all sizes, from fledgling startups to multinational giants. With an impressive roster of esteemed clients spanning across 45 countries, we continually expand our footprint into new markets and territories, reinforcing our global presence.

01. Website Integration
02. Digital Strategy Overview
03. Mobil App Design